Friday, April 07, 2006

Getting work done!

This week I am mostly working on holsten pils.

No - what am I saying?

I have been busy working. There is so much I don't know still it scares me! Although, rather than focusing on what I don't know ( like how to get rotating page content on pages without having to modify cron jobs or apache handlers or what ever else crap needs doing.

So I am concentrating on making it simple instead. just do the things I know how to do and work on the sites that are already working for me, and just grow those.

Which is what is on my to-do list ( yeah, I have revived it as it is better than not having a list at all)

I take issues with the term to-do, in case you didn't remember, so I am going to think of the list as a list of task that remains to be done.

This week I have printed out my first test copy that I am sending to someone that I know reads this - and we'll see what that person thinks of the parcel that will arrive in their post in hte next few days.

anyway - it's time for me to disconnect and end the day.
