Friday, January 20, 2006

When it comes to car insurance, car insurance companies are not assuring!

Had to get my car insurance renewed this week and these car insurance companies really do hire some really dim representatives into these car insurance call centre jobs.

I admit, I don't have a UK drivers license. I have an EEC license as I am a Norwegian citizen and thus a part of the Extended Economic Community which pretty much includes the EU countries, Norway, Lichtenstein and a rock in the North Sea somewhere.

This throws the inexperienced, and politically and geographically challenged high school drop out answering the phone as they can't find EEC or Norway on the African map. Hello, Norway is in the North sea by the way, right next to Sweden? Finland? Lapland where Santa lives? Ah I knew that one would get you there. No I have never seen a polar bear. To me this is really funny, but to pretty much everybody from any other part of the world Norway is not such a big part of their lives as I and the other 5 million Norwegians like to think.

When stumped, Norwegians will try to tell other unfortuntate non-Norwegians 3 or 4 things to explain about what Norway is:

- The vikings ( they raped and rampaged through England and Ireland a thousand years ago )
- The nobel peace price ( yup! the vikings from Norway are such a peace loving people though Alfred Nobel when he created his price funds, that I'll make the lovely people of Norway responsible for determining who should get it)
- The oil ( we're rich, but we're saving it until we're old so that we can pay for the care of the elderly - in other words those that are in power now )
and if pushed further, there is nice nature too.

Oh, and according to the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy, it is the most beautiful country in the world - but not alot of Norwegians know that.

What this has to do with my Friday progress? Not alot but then again I didn't achieve much this week either.

I wanted a week of peace, I got it - in the form of tonsilitis. Then I had the new part time job to get into which is proving interesting. At least it is close to where I live.
I have had a chance to work on two of my other projects - the more pressing ones, but I have mostly had to settle for recovering either in bed or sitting in the sofa reading ( the tv gives me headaches )

Next week I have to tackle my tax returns and a few other projects that are far too far behind schedule.
