Friday, February 24, 2006

My Progress Thing and the sense of chickenpox

You know what this has been a mad week.

I know that I went to a seminar a while back and I also went out and spent a few quid on an mp3 recorder and a microphone. I have been wanting to record stuff for a long time and now I can do it when ever I want. I am forever talking to myself about projects and stuff, and now for under £90 I have everything I need – including the editing software.

I have also discovered something that really needs testing, but could serve as a fantastic supplement to an ezine. I have checked and people are already paying to get access to the type of information that I was considering to make available that way. But I have so many projects on already we’ll see when I get time to try it.

What else did I get up to? Not a lot – I haven’t really got time to do this post either as I am a little late on the Niche-Health-Articles nuggets that I am working on.

I actually had a great kickstart to the week on Monday and Tuesday getting right into the work that I had on my plate, but then when I picked up my Thomas from Nursery on Tuesday afternoon I was pulled to one side and gently informed that they had noticed he was coming up with chickenpox rashes.

And that they would not let him back into nursery until next week. Thomas is never in nursery on Wednesdays anyway and spends it playing with him mom and following her around on her various shopping or business research trips ( unless they are off to some play zone, zoo or park ). This leaves me free to work hard – but not this week.

So when a 3 year old repeatedly shuffles ( man-like! ) into the office, looks at me with his doe like eyes and tells me he wants a cuddle cause he’s “not fewing vewy weouw” it makes for a very unproductive day.

Eventually I had to go out and get some air and so I found the Sony MP3 recorder for £49.99 that will enable me to put my voice to anything and everything without having to resort to phone recordings. I can use it in all of my client relationships so it was a good investment.

I am also tempted to get another page creation software, but as I struggle to find the time to keep up with what I already have on my plate, I can’t see how I can find the time to use the tool to create a minimum $200 a month without paying someone to do it for me!


I also have loads of new projects drifting my way that I will fit in some how. That time management book that I have heard have been in the working for the last 18 months could be handy at this point!

Anyway – next week? I have the NHA stuff to do, plus two offline projects to finish and something NEW to do for Gary. (aka Mr. Post-seminar man-shuffle )