Friday, January 06, 2006

sometimes I just have to make fun of 'experts'

Would you believe it ? The nitro affiliates and Tellman Knudson have FINALLY copped on to my TWO year development of accountability which I have managed to trace back to an idea that is at least a century old.
But thankfully, the incredible nitro team has managed to realize that accountability is a good thing. Glad you professionals finally caught up with a backward nerd from little old Norway.

But I guess for every fed up nerd like me there are 10 newbies that are new to the concept.

I had my meeting on Monday and it went really well – we managed to achieve more than our objectives and by Wednesday it was pretty much all ready to roll. Plus we had an idea to develop some content for another project of hers.

I also found out that I had some spare time and to my great surprise when I asked people if they wanted to use my time they snapped it up. Which was handy.

I’ve also got a whole bunch of other niches and software solutions to work on which is why I have been so incredibly busy.

I have done some more time studies on these niches and I’ve managed to cut the time down quite considerably.

Lessons learnt this week?

I can’t believe it’s only a week since last Friday! I have done so much so far this year it is incredible it’s not even a week old!

Things are falling into place, that’s all I have to say. Excellent.

Next week?
I can’t even think that far ahead – I want to sort out my accounts and my tax returns this weekend – Only I need to get some of the stuff to Kim sorted by Friday. That’s it really.