Time To Re-Invent
This week I am mostly drinking Holsten Pilsner. Well last night I did at the company party.
And this afternoon two people were fired.
I wasn't one of them. And it wasn't because of anything they did. My company just didn't want to pay for their employment anymore.
Anyway. That sort of sets the mood.
Have I progressed this week though? At this point in time, it doesn't feel like I have as my week has not had any structure. I'll use my weak memory to run through the week day by day and we'll see what happened. Trust me, I'll be as surprised as you when we get to the end!
Saturday. As far as I remember I only did my accountability call that day. I can't remember if I did anything else that day so I will assume I didn't. The headaches got progressively worse and I slept for a while in the afternoon. Oh yeah - we went to see Father Christmas and his Huskeys (!!!) at the nearby outlet shopping village. and had an eggnogg latte I think in Starbucks. THAT won't happen again! Overpriced and under quality. And I would never have believed that so many staff members could do so little in such a long time, had I not seen it for myself how 6 people behind a bar can cause such chaos. But I should have believed you the first time you mentioned it in Kickstart Martin!
Sunday we took our son to the companys Santa's Grotto arrangement. I did some research for my accountability call that day I seem to remember, but in the main tried to stay off the computer. I think I registered my blog on yahoo that day to. By tuesday about 20 of my blog pages were indexed. Today: 67 on alltheweb, 66 on yahoo & altavista 65. Msn has been kind enough to index 5 pages.
whose ads I am showing?
So registering your blog on yahoo certainly gets your pages indexed with the inktomi based network..
Monday. Walked in to Fareham again after having seen the GP for my eyes and Thomas'es Eyes in the morning. Or at least I think I walked in to Fareham on Monday. Checked out specs again but there is really no way I can get myself to spend £160 for something I can get for £50 online. Although I want to make absolutely sure I have the right frames before I go and order online. My face does not look good with the wrong type of glasses on. I think I also did some Camtasia video on this day, but I am not sure.
REcorded something on Instant Buzz at least at some point. Also using camtasia to record my actions while I am researching my various projects - and it is of tremendous help! It helsp if, like me, you like the sound of your voice though.
It's all a blur. Last day before going back to work & I can not for the life of me remember doing anything other than ebay auctions ( sold 3 books on ebay so far ) and monitoring the amazon progress. So far December is proving FAR more impressive than November. I did some more research on the first digital-only title from our publishing company at least but left it early as I was getting worn out.
Wednesday was some more accountability research recorded with camtasia. I didn't do much else. Oh, I checked google and found to my horror that although I am still getting the clicks, the sales have vanished. so I have reduced the max click cost in the hope that it will both reduce the number of clicks and the daily cost.
December last year was like this as well, but I have at least sold for more already this month than what I did in all of December last year.
Thursday was a wasted day. Well for most of the people I was out with as there was a free bar. I was driving and the most I drank was beer with 0.2 % alcohol in it. Even though I asked for non-alcoholic beer. I finally had to leave after the two glasses of Coke started working on my Irritable Bowel.
I was hoping to proof read some books and add content to the digital title. Doubt I did either, but I can't remember! I have an appointment to see an osteopath in the morning tomorrow and then it is off to celebrate my step daughters 21st birthday. So that is the weekend taken care of!!
Monday & Tuesday is a two day course in selling, which will hopefully come in handy one day. And then there is 3 days full of telephone calling getting people ready to close deals. In Norway it is legally forbidden to trade past 3 o'clock and staff must not be allowed to remain on the premises past 4. Only a selected number of bars used to have a special license that allowed them to open up on Christmas eve after 9pm I think it was, but with the increase in the single population, they have relaxed that now. Or maybe abolished it - what do I know _ i haven't lived there for 8 years...
But it DOES mean I MUST
- finish the latest publishing website as we've sent out a press release to the industry rag saying we launch the site on Jan first!
- proof and edit my money book & get it ready for publishing.
- finalise the content to be added to the digital copy of the book ( although this one can wait until Feb to be honest )
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