A Resounding Failure!
Get ready for a lesson in Failing Gracefully!
How I'm Doing This week:
As I start to write this, I am feeling really positive about all the things that I have done this week:
Got a new job - starting Monday at 10:30.
Updated our business plan - again!
Updated the processes we've already defined and defined a few more.
Written up an early organisation chart of our publishing business.
Usually I am a bit despondent at this point. only to find I had no reason to be. This week It is almost the other way around. When you come to read about last weeks targets you will notice that this week is unique among ALL the Friday Progress Reports I have ever posted -
I Failed to progress on most of them! Totally failed to do a single action to bring them forward!
I have NEVER failed to progress on ANY of the targets I have set myself.
Now, feel free to laugh at me and think - I never thought he'd last - to yourself.
But I'll choose to disagree with you. Although I'll happily leave a smile on my face.
Because i did progress my business. Just see the list I opened with. But I didn't progress those things that looked important to do last Friday.
So failing to achieve those targets isn't a failure to progress - I just choose the wrong targets that's all. I'm not going to get too hung up about not achieving a target, as it is the destination that is important. A target is just something to aim for in the hope that it well get you closer to where you want to be.
Disagree? Well, then. I ask you this - If your target is behind you, do you still aim for it?
Last weeks targets:
=> Fitness, pick up with the work outs again and maintain and improve the lower pulsrate I achieved in Malta. Down to 62 now from 68 two weeks ago
Result: FAILED!
Couldn't even TELL you if I am improving as I haven't measured my pule ONCE. However, it is the best indicator of how fit I am. And with this new job role I am taking on - fitness is crucial to succeed. Nor did I even get off my bum to exercise at ALL!
=> Google, Finish the spreedsheet template.
Result: FAILED!
Finish the template? I didn't even update the data in it until yesterday, when I found out I have been loosing money since Saturday. big time!
=> Publishing. Clear Space. Choose between distribution or Margin.
Result: Half A SUCCESS
we're clearing space for the company equipment we're going to get ( oh and the stock!) , and I have managed to contribute to this. We've moved most of the books out of the office, but the utility room down stairs needs a great big cleanout this weekend. Did do a run to the tip with a bootfull of stuff last weekend, but that was the obvious crap. The rest are in theory sellable, but they are large items. And as for distribution or margin, it seems logical to increase the distribution first to be honest.
New things I will do:
Get started on the Monday updates really. Only, I am dependent on Google sending me the file on Mondays. So I will do it whenever they send me a file.
Syncronice the goals in this blog with those I mention in my mastermind group.
Things I am dropping:
Nothing comes to mind really. Other than that my google cash cow is now on profitability watch. The company I advertise for has started google advertising on ALL my keywords... annoying.
This weeks lessons:
1. Affiliate merchants don't really like to pay you the commission. They are happy to let you take the risk, but if you hit on a gold mine, it seems they'll happily jump in and take over.
I don't care. I am already testing another merchant in the same niche with nice click to impression rates so far. Just have to see how the clicks convert to sales before moving all the campaigns over.
2. listen to off the cuff (?) remarks.
Spotted two independent one's this week, and managed to use the two together to find some highly interesting keywords for a campaign I hadn't even considered. The fact that the keyword don't convert well to clicks is another matter, but the opportunity is there once I tighten in the keywords a little and change the adverts around slightly. But at least I am getting impressions.
3. As Oracle Gary keeps on saying " keep the WHY in mind". I find it helps keep things in perspective.
4. Writing about my goals and whether I achieved them or not is FAR MORE effective in driving home the lesson, than just talking about it. I couldn't begin to pretend WHY, but I would expect it is for one of two reasons: I put more thought into what I write than what I say. I get it re-iterated over and over again when I write it when I proof read my post.
Next Weeks Targets:
= Enjoy myself on my Sons 2nd birthday this Sunday.
= 4 times 20 minutes exercise
= remember to host the call! ( And get my car to the garage and back before 10am! )
= clear the office and utility room as much as possible before the great book-flood.
= post money tips newsletter & add new content every day.
= complete the first chapter of the US Market targeted money tips book.
This weeks audience question:
In The Portsmouth Area In Two Weeks time? Bonfire Party invites Available to anyone who wants them.
( I also have a Hilton Nearby in case anyone wanted to have a Collocvial Co-operative Mind sharing event experience the same weekend? )
I'd love to present the business venture to anyone who'd care to help me make a success out of it!
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