Away with the Syncronicity
Still in Malta this week.
after struggling for 4 days with the coffee republic book I put that aside and read through e-myth revisited in 2 days.
very easy book to read as it is light on new cotent, but it's always good to get implicit knowledge expressed explicitly.
To say that I was unimpressed by the book is an understatement. I know about systems, so my lack of enthusiasm for the book doesn't mean I disagree with the message. far from it.
I am also half way through syncronicity and that's about it.
Google advertising? roughly 300GBP since the 20th. roughly as the smallest one should account for about 45 and the other one is already up to 263.
Now, this should be the last time I mention actual earnings but for me it is just a cool way to highlight the power of this thing - I made a bit of money, while I was on holiday.
Now how to get this done with my publishing business....
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