Friday, November 11, 2005

Instant Niche Emails and Forex markets

I am worried. You see, I am sitting here looking at the first sentence appearing in my Friday progress report and I feel positive about the progress I made this week! This is not normal so I naturally have to worry about it, like it’s something out there that I have missed.

I’m going to have to take a closer look at my progress this week, and you know what? I can’t tell one day from the other.
So I am bringing back my daily blog to my private forum. Or I could simply do what Pauline does and write down on paper what I do in a day. If you saw my desk you would understand why that really isn’t an option. My accountant would have a fit if it wasn’t for the basket like device next to my desk that gets all my receipts. NO! it’s not the rubbish bin, but a post basket like those that should hang on your door from your letter box to catch letters. Only mine is hanging off the desk catching receipts. Most of the time.


The progress?

Well I completed the idea Andy gave me and have already sold some!

I have secured 2 distribution partners and found an outlet which targets exactly the niche market we are after, and they have a distribution list that makes me dizzy. Another website that started 12 months ago has 20k paying members who would also be interested in what our book has to say. The News of The World has confirmed that they are attending our book launch and the production company behind Big Brother is also sending representatives.

I’ve made £100 from odd jobs here and there for people and someone also contacted me for some help with adwords – and I spent nearly two hours on the phone to her discussing some very diverse subjects.

Aha! I found out what it was that I forgot! Ebay! I haven’t launched any auctions this week – but I am sure it is forgiven as I won’t be around next week to fulfill any of the orders.

Pauline has been too busy with publishing tasks to do anything with the stuff I gave her to do with her money making adsense plan already. I am beginning to think that I am going to have to sit down with her and talk her through it some time – which might mean that I have to forgo the business startup event on the 25th in London.

Next Friday I am in London. In Shepperds Bush near the Olympia. They do have wireless access at the hotel but my Friday progress next week will be on Monday or Tuesday. It would just be too hectic to dedicate much time to writing this report.

In Short, next week I am going to spend some time working on my next product ( I think ) but mainly I will be preparing websites, press packs, blogs and auto-responders for the big launch.

Next week truly IS a make or break week. I am so incredibly looking forward to telling you how well it all went J

Right now I feel like falling asleep, but I have an update to post to the private forum.
