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i'm reading through the post from last week and I can't help but think that I forgot to set myself some goals for this week!
I certainly didn't mention any.
Well, this week I will be putting them inside my private forum and only let invited people view it.
This way I can let the goals be far more specific and others can use the same forum to share their goals with the other selected members on there.
The place to apply for membership is and if you've ever helped me or I have ever helped you or we know each other, then I'll approve the request - of course!
The point is to have people there that I can be accountable to obviously, but because it is a select group my sense of responsibility to DO what I set out to do will be stronger.
It's another level of accountability that I am now free to make work for me.
This week has had 4 and a half productive days. I've not completed everything on my lists but I am getting there.
Loads of stuff about the publishing company going on, and also a few things on niche service station and a couple of other things.
Go to the forum to read more.
Adsense has also picked up a little and I am expecting my first adsense payment to land in my inbox at some point this month. yay! ( not counting the ones landing into the NSS account. )
I bought Instant Niche Emails last week as well and have been playing with the somewhat deceptively named tool for 2-3 days to create the first set of niche emails.
I have also completed the income process system for Pauline and she's already identified a market she wants to target.
If I have time I'll post the summary to the forum.
I've also worked on a little idea that Andy Henry gave me so we'll see how that pans out.
I also need to post something to the Niche service station guys.
Would you believe that 25 % of the NSS list signed up to Kim Standerlines Niche-Health-Profits? ( 12 in all)
I've also spoken to more deviants in a week than I have ever thought possible and the book launch is on target.
Next week I will follow up a couple of hot leads for the show later and I also have some pressing newspaper work to do!
That'll have to do -this post has taken forever to put together today!
I had something else I wanted to write about as well but I can't remember!
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