Friday, October 28, 2005

lemon law, car lemon, bad car - bad week!

Well ebay is doing well for us.
Even managed to sell a couple of fiction ebooks which I find incredible!

Next week is just more of the same. If only I can get my car lemon to work again. It is a bad car when a nearly new car is running out of oil in two days. Shame we don't have lemon laws over here.


I've written down the method I use to generate adsense income and I'll be teaching that to Pauline at some point if she can find the time.

I'll also add some more stuff to our ebay shop. At the moment 4 of our 7 titles are not even for sale there but we've still made around £100 on paperbacks in a month.

Thank you to those of you that helped me finance the purchase of the Sourcecoderights package. I'm really enjoying what it can do with the video, although it is a little crude, it does everything I wanted it to. I have a market in mind that I can sell services and solutions to using these software packages - if you have the same, I suggest you go get the stuff from here
before the price goes up.

When I left my job in July I said that this was the opportunity to test my assumption that lack of time was the thing that is standing between me and my success.

Apparently it is my laziness instead. I certainly enjoy NOT working more than actually doing something. For example:

My yet to be completed list is growing by the day. I have so many things on it is hard to concentrate on what to do next.

there is our shop.
there is our ebay site
there is our book launch
there is the two niche business opportunities I am looking into
there is niche service station which is just taking too much time for the return
then there is the book launch on the 16th of November in London.
Then there is the exhibition to prepare for ( as visitors )
Then there is the business cashflow situation.
Then there is internet marketing and my niche websites & products.
Then there is the small issue of paying the mortgage

Yet I languish in idle use most of the day. I know some people ( like Gary ) prefer to do other things than business, but I have so many things that need doing for the business and other IM things that I should have more than enough to fill my days with.
I am tempted to get an office somewhere other than the coffee shop as that place makes me smell like an ashtray.
I know the solution to all my worries are staring me in the face, but for some reason, I don't seem to know how to remove this frosted glass kinda looking filter between me and whatever this thing is. I've found a pretty hefty looking sledge hammer though - if only I can figure out how to lift it without doing my back in.
The toilet duck might be a better option though, it is different and with enough force can do anything in! ;)
So i'm feeling a little depressed about everything this week but I remain positive because I know that I am at least in control of everything that happens to me and I am the one responsible for getting me into this situation and the one to get me out of it again.