Friday, August 19, 2005

Christmas Is here early.

Last Week I said:
Next week, I’ll have a paydotcom book ready for my NSS members to promote, and I am also giving them a couple of website designs they can play around with in XSP. I’ll start up my adwords cashcow campaign again to see how it goes. And I will be contacting some people about my books.

Ok. The niche pack is delayed a bit as I had some troubles with the domain I set up and with getting it to work with paydotcom. I also need to feed in some articles, but the site is at least finished and about 80 percent ready. I’ve also got 3 design options ready for the site.
I have also moved forward a 3rd niche product because it is loosely related to a niche one of the NSS members is working in, and the product could lend itself well to her niche, with a bit of modification. So that one is about 80 percent ready as well.
The adwords cashcow has already given me two sales a week in, which isn’t too bad at this time of year, and I know my adverts covert well when they get shown, but they are being blocked by the fact that I am sharing my URL with the site I am promoting and so they get their ads displayed instead of mine. But again I have a PLAN to fix that, but it’s a matter of finding the time. Hmm. It could mean getting more money so I guess I’d better up it’s priority.
I have not had time to deal with the book company this week as much, but I spent Wednesday in London discussing publishing options with a print on demand and “short print runs “ specialist that doesn’t charge anything up front. Very good for our book launch in November and gives us the flexibility to print short test runs of possible titles to get review copies out etc.
I also read a very interesting piece in a newsletter this week about how to prove to investors that your business idea works, which I will adapt to publishing and try a few titles that Pauline has hinted about in the last few weeks as possibles. Although we already have 3 titles ready for publication as soon as we have the money. The book people in London might be able to help us out there though. They even work out cheaper than Profitspublishing which is incredible.
Next week I will finalise the niche pack & the niche product for an NSS member to review and I will finish the shopping site that I now have setup so that I can promote it with one of our customers.
I will also have a look at adding an ask campaign for the book that we are launching in November, when the digital format is ready and a second campaign for a niche that I had already rejected, but I have now found a couple of possible outlets for the title. We’ll see what I have time for. The top priority is to get this niche pack out and the shopping site set up properly.
