Now we're talking
I feel good about this weeks progress, I must confess. I think it is because I have started to realize that I have no fixed income anymore and that it is up to me to replace my income. It is up to ME to make the sales figures in the publishing business increase. It is up to ME to get the new titles promoted. ( we got two new books definitely in the pipeline and are hoping to be able to afford two more ) So you could say the success of the sales force is quite critical for our future success.
I absolutely LOVE the freedom and the simplicity of running my own business. I have no employees to deal with and my aim is that I never will have to deal with it. What ever actions I take or NOT take have a direct impact on our business results and that is just incredible. To me it is at least.
Anyway, on to my progress!
Last week I said I wanted to spend my time this week working on the XSitePro niche packs and selling loads of books.
Well I sold a few books by ringing around some book stores, but I have also got some contacts in the company HQ that will come in handy and should provide us with a bit more traction in that book chain.
I have also extracted a recipe book from a public Domain book that I have been working on, and two other potential titles. My aim is to have all 3 ready on PayDotCom from the 15th of August and I am so far on track.
I have made some in roads on this ecommerce solution for the publishing company, and it seems I may have to resort to getting someone to install it for me as it isn’t as straight forward as I hoped it would be. I certainly can’t understand why it’s not working and we need to increase the revenue from our books significantly as we were hoping to exhibit in London in November. ( subject to lack of bombings… )
Doesn’t look like a lot but I have managed to identify 5 other decent projects to work on this week. I have bought instantblogandping and have run it on two of my sites. I will re-run it on one site again on Monday when I have updated the adsense adverts on the pages that I have on the site.
I have also finished the redesign of the money tips site and updated the 404 page with an automatic redirect. I have over 100 pages listed in msn and and I need that traffic to get redirected to somewhere useful until they come around again.
Next week I will work on selling more books, and on the XSP niche product sites. Those are my main priorities. I’m also going to figure out why my google maps don’t seem to work and have the shopping cart software installed by Wednesday.
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