Friday, June 10, 2005

Progress Is Chils Play if you're a child!

Sitting in my sons sandpit, philosophising over this week, I found myself interrupted when he wanted to join in.

Whatyadoooin? he asks as per usual, chumping away on his fishcake.

"playing and trying to figure out what life is"

He looks at me as if you say, "well everybody knows THAT!" but realising I am not joking he puts his hand on my shoulder and says:

"Life is cake" and trotts off to find his watering can.

"Life is cake? just cake?"

Looking under a bush, ( for the aforementioned wateringcan) he goes with passion and a little bit of indignation at my ignorance

"NOOO daddy. Life is PASTA & Cake. "

So I guess, taking it from Thomas,
life, it seems, is pasta and cake.

I'll leave that one with you to ponder over.

I have confirmed that I will be taking permanent leave from my employment on the 5th of July.

Next - with the niche service station we have a tremendous pre-launch going and a few glitches but nothing major. I am learning alot from it at the moment and it is great to see so many people WANTING what they actually need.

I have also been spending some time with conjunctivitis again, so I think I will join the band of one eyed computer Pirates. Hi Gary. ;) ( get well soon!)

I have also bought myself a copy of xsitepro to play with which should be fun! Although I'm sure it won't make me quite the stepford wife. I am simply FORCED to install it on my brand spanking new IBM laptop that I bought as a sweetener for leaving, simply because my HP lemon of a desktop machine won't let me have that installed at the same time as having any other software running.

And now i simply HAVE to try the machine while sitting in front of the TV down stairs... :)

Things to do for next week:
- replicate the "experiment"
- learn to use xsitepro
- nicheservicestation tasks !
- prepare for my life after employment
- help pauline out with the site designs.

Jon ( with shades on, wondering what pasta and cake means )

PS Welcome back Rob

- every day in every way i'm getting better and better -