Friday, April 08, 2005

Ipod, you pod, we all apple pod

Sorry , but I thinkg I am going nuts! This ipodding is confusing me.

However, disregarding today's apple Ipod competition on the radio and continuing as I should, here is this weeks progress report:

============= Accomplishments:
It's been mainly work related achievements this week. I must have some issues with sleep / fitness at the moment as I am forever tired and never seem to get going in the evenings.

Weight is certainly contributing to the issue:
115.5kg (bmi around 38 - 25 is the highest value for "normal" weight)
I am also beginning to see benefits from the way I work in my job, so I have decided to transerf some of those things to my online stuff.
I did my first training session today for about 12 of my colleagues. What I did? Did a 2 minute overview of the topic I would like to train them on, and asked them to suggest problems they had on the subject, then got the other colleagues to suggest ways they had resolved those same problems.
I Guy Levined them!! And they all LOVED ever minute of it!
I suppose that's a lesson but I thought it was a bit of an accomplishment :)

And how many of you have considered that the techniques you taught to apply ONLINE, actually work in the real world too? I didn't!

I created a book cover for yet another book created by one of our writers, so that was good. It's getting proofed and should be available before the end of the month in a digital format.

====================== Lessons:
At work, I have a system in place to manage my task list, and it works wonders, but relies on ONE single thing:

= I have to update the task and re-schedule it as and when I work on it or it immediately creates more chaos than order. I HAVE to entere EVERY SINGLE task I have to do, or I have no way of remembering to do it.

It also helps me prioritise my tasks as I can only fit 22 in per work day. I drag and drop my tasks as I need to reschedule them. It communicates all changes immediately to all dependent parties. It focuses my mind to only work on important tasks, because I can only fit 110 tasks in on any single work week. Sounds like a lot of space but you'll be surprised how difficult it is to fit in everything important into those 110 slots. i think I will begin to call each cell a percent.

... and for those of you who DIDN'T see where I was going with that...

That way I always schedule my week so I can work 110 percent...

And on my internet business list there is only 13 tasks to do for next week.

A piece of cake!

( You can judge if that means I only put in 13 percent of effort ;) )
I have so many ideas going on in my head at the moment, I can only think it is because I have so much to do on the JV. Distractions I guess, are a way to test my resolve. But as far as I am concerned, this is a no brainer.

====================== goal for next week:
I'll make further efforts to manage my "home business" task list.
See if I can spend less than an hour and a half typing and publishing this thing!
I still need to get my cover and everything else done for the wedding book, although the idea seems better suited as an e course / content website that drives affiliate sales of all the other wedding related products out there. I do however have alteast one market interested in selling it for me.
And I'll aim to work through my task list.
It's bad form to call it a to do list apprently, isn't it Martin? ;o)