There should be A Lemon Law Against This!
You know something is about to happen when the forum headers change!
If you're not signed up with Gary's newsletters and blogs, I suggest you find your way over there .
It's my way of tempting him to post here as I know he reads this forum and he has no idea I've posted the link here! :o)
Anyway. Shall I get on with it then? Two secs.
let me dig out my to-d... hmm. Task list and the bathroom scales first.
============= Accomplishments:
The scales this week insists on 117.5 kg. erk!
my task list is now up to 18 tasks. The software insists on calling it a to-do list, which might explain the odd linguistic slip up.
I completed 8 of the 13 tasks I had on that list last week.
Plus a few more that wasn't listed... I created a new website you see, and uploaded it, full with content and all. Got it via one of these pre-made niche package deals and I am not entirely impressed but we'll see what kind of traffic the typical marketing tricks can generate. Have har 3 search engines by already, so we'll see.
Never mind that I have 4 more lined up. And to think my goal for this year was to create 2. Now I have figured I need to create around 400 to meet my earnings targets from NPB sites. Although I suspect the JV will help towards the goal a little too ;o)
My first website, the money tips one is starting to see steady streams of traffic now as well. I wouldn't call it substatial yet, but enough to have made a few more sales this week.
I have proof read the wedding book and if I wanted to bother with setting up autoresponders I would have had it up already, but I have set up an ASK campaign for it and will create the landing page to hold the survey on Sunday.
This is what I would call arse about face. Classical mistake of getting a product done before knowing what the market wanted, or even checking out what the competition was like. But now I know, then I can set up an ask campaign & give away this "viral" book for free and still get some value from it.
====================== Lessons:
Healthy living regime. right. How about getting out of the office more often and actually do some exercise. I have a gym membership after all. And I do use it about once a week to go swimming.
I'm no guru material. I DO alot of things, but I am never ever satisfied with the progress I am making. Hey, I AM exceeeedingly happy that I am making ANY progress, and I am making money from this online lark, but I know full well I could make MORE progress. Having others doing what I do helps me focus though.
But this week has not been one of the sterling weeks. There is every opportunity that next week is though.
And, nope, I still can not get this typed up in less than an hour...
====================== goal for next week:
Pick up my daily blogging again.
As an overall goal for next week, I want to sit down next Friday feeling that I have accomplished alot. I want to feel how productive the week has been and I want the week to feel like it was a fresh start. One that some how brought about change and finally sets me up for the future that I know is right around the corner.
You know. That just looks sickeningly positive! Trust me, my day to day life is nothing like that rosy, and until 13-14 months ago I would have told myself -
geez jon, you're off the deep end! get drunk and come to your sense man!
but to Hell, Norway ( look it up, it's a place! ) with it. I might be off the trolly, out with the faries, brainwashed, dreaming, out of my mind,
In ONE year, I have gone from no hoper to owner of over 10 websites, I have gone from a complete salary slave to someone insane enough to buy a publishing business.
I have learnt LOADS about what it takes to make a difference to my life.
I have learnt loads about what it takes to help out others make a difference.
I've met some of the nicest, greatest people around, and I have met some seriously strange characters along the way too.
And if that is what I get from being insane,
Why ON EARTH would I want to be normal?
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