Friday, April 01, 2005

Diets, Toilet Paper & Progress

============= Accomplishments:
I said I was going to step up a gear. Fancy judging this for yourselves?
This is what I said I was going to do:
- finish my product and set out my marketing plan ( although I should have had the plan in place first! )
- complete my business tasks
- manage my tasks better
- apply my JOB skills to my task management.
complete all my current JV tasks next Sunday ( 3rd of April)
This is what I did:
+Finished most of a niche product website & have submitted it to the search engines.
+ Started and finished writing a second product ( still needs a cover and proof reading ) ( romance )
+ Started & is nearly finished with a 3rd product ( still needs a cover and proof reading plus the creation of the bonus product) ( wedding costs )
+ Did 3 tasks on my business to do list. ( had 6 )
+ Have started to use my least favourite software to manage my to-do list in a way that creates urgency better than before.
+ Worked on my JV tasks less than I would have liked.
+ Found out more about the reality "TV" offer.
+ got two new distributors on board for our company
+ had Easter holiday
+ found another niche I'd love to develop something in as the searches are insanely high and the competition relatively interesting.
+suffered a day full of the "runs... "
====================== Lessons:
The thought of being responsible for teaching, coaching and motivating people to progress simply terrifies me, but it is a great inspiration to me too. Also when two people take up the baton and creates similar blogs, my competitive streak kicks in and I want to improve myself as much as they do.
I succumbed to watching the stupidest program on TV this week - The apprentice UK. I have never seen so many pairs of short planks on one tv show in my life. But this week, it showed me how quickly I have been brainwashed into a sales person. The two teams had to raise as much money as possible for a charity by organising a charity auction, auctioning off celebrity items to raise money. The teams had to get 5 celebrities to part with some impressive gifts to auction off.
Both teams had a theatre related celebrity on their list.
One team secured 4 tickets to a premier show with VIP and backstage passes for the after party.
The other team secured 50. But only after trying to get 100!
Guess which team won?
the last team of course - because every time they got an agreement for something, they always asked for more, or they followed up really well on the information they were provided. As an example, they wanted Darmoid McGavin (?)( "dermot, Laurence Llewellyn-Bowens irish gardener buddy ) to donate his motor bike.
He blankly refused. They left it and continued to chat to him about what was important to him and what other things he could consider donating. They eventually suggested that he donate his favourite jacket - the one he wears so often on TV apparently ( his "signature" jacket )
Again he blankly refused, but as a flippant comment he said as part of a sentence - " you would have more luck trying to convince me to give you my bike", so what did they do?
ASKED for the bike! and they got it! It was their persistence that made them succeed. The other team said they didn't want to be rude or pushy, but if the celebrity thought their cause was a worthy one, they would not have minded them asking for more.

I'm sorry for the crudeness of the following comment, but did you realise how coarse cheap toilet paper is?!? Sand paper came to mind on my 9th trip to the loo this morning!
Apologies for the visual, but from a marketing point of view, I am now sold on the idea of "CHA CHA CHARMIN'" toilet paper being nice and soft.
====================== goal for next week:
=>administrative responsibilities for JV : post forms to paul & arrange a time to see the bank.

=> business - 8 urgent things on my todo list! need I say more?
=> my money website - proof the wedding spending book & get a cover created for it
=> my other niche website => content & promotions
=> respond to JV feedback on my work so far.