Friday, February 18, 2005

Marlon Sanders Progress

Get the blimmin bubbly out the latest book by our publishing company has gone to the printers!!

I'll continue the Marlon Sanders style assessment of my progress this week. For those of you that have met him ( I haven't!! ) imagine him standing in the back of a seminar room heckling me when I read out the progress:

=> I will begin to go to the gym.


Yes indeed. Although ONE session in the pool for 15 minutes hardly counts as a lifestyle change it is a step in the right direction.
As this is the HEALTH section, let me dash off to weigh myself 3 times again ( although the digital weight at work this afternoon at roughly 3pm declared in glaring red diode light that I weigh 118.2 kg )
Office: 116.5 kg
Hallway: 117kg
Bathroom: 116kg

Why 3 weights? Check out this post for an explanation:
Even though the mental health visitor my wife called in on me assured her I was sane, I think I will restrict myself to weighing myself at work every Friday on the digital scales...

I don't think someone who buys their husband a gym membership for valentines day should questions MY sanity!

(I got her a HUGE box of chocolates instead of the mouthwash by the way. Talk about cutting off my nose to spite my face...but it seemed a good idea at the time )

=> I will write the blurb


hey. yes. Doing well so far. This one got completed as well. Although in the end all that was needed was ONE sentence.

But I thought about it for a long long time so it's really good!

=> I will work on the marketing plan & the partnering plan for the JV.


Well, I'd argue that a marketing plan is never really finished, but even though I worked on it, there are still quite alot that I haven't covered yet. I suspect it should really be done in a much simpler way, and possibly include my JV partners!

=>I will take some books with me and learn stuff while pauline is getting her photos taken for this mag.


thanks for that. 3 out of 4 is a vast improvement. I bought an ebook on how to create a memorable marketing message and I must admit that when I realised that about 9 of the 27 pages was just marketing and sign up forms etc I was a bit miffed as I would have expected that from a FREE book - not one I paid for. So with the remaining "content" printed out we headed off on our 3 hour drive. Pauline drives for 15 minutes and I have finished the book. ( damn that speed reading program! ) But it helped me in identifying what it was that we really wanted to achieve for our clients with the JV though.

You know what I think of being accountable for what you set out to do - and you can see for yourself what that has done for my life! So that is an important part.
I don't think I'm great at setting goals, but I think I have a fair idea of how to
set some that work!

But if people want to be successful, all relevant things has to be taken into consideration. The thing we get a kick out of is thinking about what our clients could achieve with this. I know in my own mind what I would like to stand up and be proud of. What ever it is will have to offer genuine value to all parties, including any customers that our clients may have. I know what I don't like about the internet business.

I will NEVER stand by something that I didn't believe could make my client more successful than me.

I still waste quite a lot of time forum hopping. I say waste as I only have about two hours a night to work on this internet business AND my publishing business. The bulk of the load falls on Pauline at the moment and we're a far way away from being able to take out any dividends from the business just yet.

And don't you know it, the gremlins have been out again.

My browser Crashed again while I was writing this blog entry.
I'm smiling though. I wasn't using the browser to type this in :)

Next week?

Now there is a good question.

I bought a copy of Niche Portal Builder a month or so ago and did create a site last week:

I am tempted to spend some time on this sort of thing as it seems to make some money to help out our finances. money IS an issue but I'm sure it'll work out!

So this week I will do the following:

JV business. Tasks given on Sunday will have to be completed.

Publishing business. Have to start writing lots of articles for our websites. I'll aim for 5 articles around 600 words or so. I also will have to pick the 5 subjects.

Internet business. make sure I make money on the google adverts!

Now that I have spent an hour typing this up, I wish I could learn speed typing! beyond that, I am going to dig out that Champers and pop the cork!!

Time to get hammered!!