Friday, March 18, 2005

Bettina Can't Help It - But it's Launched.

============= Accomplishments:

This week I can't think of a single one. Tried to sort out the banking details with the worlds local bank, simply because they are the cheapest on cashing US cheques. And they were also the only ones to mention that if the cheques were frequent enough or large enough, it would be cheaper to get a US currency account. They still cost more than my personal bank, but hey, business banking is a great big scam anyway. But would they let me join their scam? no. It seemed that the person taking the appointment booking forgot to tell me that as a member of a partnership, all partners has to be present at the opening of the account. I would have loved there to be 100 plus partners!

What else did I do this week?

Well work is going great. It seems I am actually quite good at it.

The business has also launched it's latest book ( Bettina Can't Help It )

And a associated lingerie website:

Weight loss? hmmm, I doubt the cheese cake I've just eaten helsp much. This week I have noticed that I have begun to struggle with actually seeing the reading on the scales.

But I can confirm the scales stop on 117kg dead, after I put on my glasses.
Strange. 4-5 months ago I didn't even need them. Now it seems my eyesight is getting worse day by day.

====================== lessons:
I should have shares in banks.

I'm sure there are things that I can learn from this week. One of them being that I have yet to find an effective way to stop myself from being a complete and utter time waster.

====================== goal for next week:

have a relaxing Easter!

I am meeting up with one of my JV partners tomorrow to tie up some loose ends and then it's just a matter of getting on with it!

As for my business, well. ( he smiles to himself )

We added some promotionals and adverts in the back of the book.

One of which lists an email address to subscribe to our authors newsletter. Only she's not entirely up to scratch on the whole internet marketing thing so I was ment to have set it all up on the server side, like the autoreply and the gift page where the subscribers get their gift and some more information about the writer.
have I done so? nope! But it will happen tonight.

The rest of the week will be split 3 ways: ( 2 nights each )

A product of mine


My business.

I might consider spending some money to get an accountability tool built as the two tools that are out there either concentrate on some stupid lofty goalsetting fluff or show me a calendar. Neither is exactly what I need. So when I have enough money, I will have it made for me... but that's a little longer term.