Friday, September 10, 2004

Wet as a Drowned Cat!

Just to keep Pearson pleased, I really felt miserable biking in the cold rain this morning. Daft thing to do really and I can only sit here and hope I don't come down with the "man-shuffle"

But other than that it's been a productive, if not scary week.

How I'm Doing This week:

Well. We went to see the vendors last weekend. nice folks. Their reasons for selling sounded very plausible. They were very similar to Pauline and me, only I have the benefit they hadn't - access to a bunch of people with marketing acumen. I spoke to someone I know in the industry, who told me NOT to get into the industry as it is a cut throat, hard industry to succeed in. We saw an accountant who said we should go for it as it was such a small financial risk that there was no reason NOT to try it. Besides it would be significantly easier than to start from scratch. So I dug out another 4-5 different industry market reports and found a couple of swot reports that pointed to some obvious flaws in the way the traditional actors operated, like not offering upsells or a sales funnel. It also told us where brand loyalty can be created. It also confirmed that the business' distribution of sales to the various sales channels were in line with the industry, almost perfectly.
So we put in an offer, had it obligatorily rejected and we offered our next offer an hour later which was then accepted.

So subject to everything, come November 1st, we should be the proud owners of a running business.

Now the trick is to get the balance between the technician, manager and entrepreneur right....

Last weeks targets:

=> On my bike 3 mornings before next Friday. (while it is moving at speed)
RESULT! ( did them all, and it's a great feeling just to get out there )

=> Get one more review categories relocated to the new server by Friday
70 Percent Result. I just need to configure (?) the last 4 out of eleven reviews and then this is done.

=> No goal for google. Other than to keep the spreadsheet current.
RESULT! as up to date as google will let me be.

New things I will do:

I am what I eat diet. Or try at least. Mung beans don't sound appealing until a chow mein fan like myself realise they are often used as stir fry bean sprouts. I keep on calling them dung beans though. Feel sorry for my wife. She lives with this sort of humour 24/7
I will attempt to list 6 things to do every 48 hours, that needs to be completed in 48 hours. if I can spend enough time thinking through it properly.

Things I am dropping:
Mysteryshopping jobs for fast food restaurants. I swear they have hypnotic drugs in those things to make you drowsy, lazy and weak in will.

A regular phoneline. Or a brick on the BT van that never arrives to fix my phone line. Some of you may have the pleasure of sharing my experience on the 10am call, but if it gets as bad as it is tonight then I'll be dialling in my mobile.

This weeks lessons:

Accountability is a great help if you want focus. And adding the goals to the Friday Progress again made a huge difference in my productivity. I wasn't simply going through the motions this week. I had targets that I was accountable for again.

In my experience, there are two types of people. There is one type that can never sit still. If they have nothing to do they do anything to avoid being idle. That's not me.
I belong to the other group, who strive to become idle. At every opportunity, if there is nothing to focus on, my "default" reaction is to seek out idleness.
So having these goals hung up in front of me every time i sit idle in my leather office chair snaps me back on track.
I guess testing accountability without goals over the last few months will show that it is far less productive than accountability with 2-3 goals defined.

Next Weeks Targets:

Smart goals.hmmm.
I could list quite a few, but the overall goals for this week are as follows:
=> exercise 4 mornings before Friday & log my pulse when I wake up every morning.
=> The money website newsletter will be sent out again as soon as the DNS changes are completed. There are a good few articles and reviews on there now, and I can add the rest of them as I go.
=> The business adventure has just changed to a venture as we have had our offer for the business accepted.So it's time to nail down all the things that needs putting together: Pauline & I need to Brainstorm the things that needs planning, and then prioritise. we've got most things down - like the top 6 things that needs to be done first and in what order.
No, I don't like challenges!

This weeks audience question:

Have you seen my blog lately?