What is a "good" week?
Last week I gave myself three things to finish in addition to the usual seven reviews. I committed to finishing my afilliate directory, which I have. I committed to writing an article for the Money Review, which I have. I also said I would finish my ebook, which at the moment is with the proof-reader. That would be my wife by the way.
I will let you guys tell me if that means I had a good week. You need to consider that I actually have not finished the book yet. I will be spending the next hour working on my money tip reviews, because I just need a break from this book, but as I am babysitting tonight I'll have the rest of the evening available to work on the book.
I don't know if you have tried writing a book, and I distinctly remember telling Pearson just to get on with it, when he was saying that he had problems and self-doubt when writing his. Or if I didn't tell him I certainly thought it. Now that I have actual experience I can only humbly apologise for my simplistically ignorant and inexperienced opinion. Now that I know what he means!
Anyway, I have somewhere between seven and 14 Money Tips to review and to find afilliate links for in time for Sunday's News Letter. So if you don't mind I'm just going to get on with it.
This week I would be grateful for if you could tell me if you think a forum would be useful on my website, and as it is a low-cost, low-budget production, if you know of any free solutions that are any good, and the that I can put on my website then let me know. I can't take any PHP based stuff. I already have a hosted forum I am testing, and I could hide the fact with frames I suppose, but I would not be in control of the adverts.
What's your views on this?
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