Friday, June 18, 2004

Catching Up Is Hard To Do

Today I am a little less behind than this time last week. I have one more tip to finish for the week and then I am expecting to be able to publish the updates as normal on Sunday night.

I should also have the first article ready by then.

What I have found though is that my newsletter last week bounced from rather alot of subscribers, so if you didn't get it, I am also creating a newsletter archive where you can review all the previous newsletters.

Well the one so far.

Anyway - You won't find it there now as the update will happen on Sunday evening around 8pm

This week has been an odd week. I have set myself some daily targets, and I feel like I am moving forward but it isn't as fast as I would like it to.

The main reason this week has been less productive is that I have had to update a seriously out of date document that my wife wants to use,

namely the directory of all my affiliate links - all 84 of them. And It is taking me a LOOOOOOOONG time to retrieve them all.

I do wish there was an easier way!

This weekend I feel like I need to finish the directory as well as the latest updates for the site. And if I have some spare time, finish my pdf book!

This weeks dilemma for you:

Do I need a product I can sell via affiliates? How long does that need to be before I can charge some money? Any suggestions for a topic?